Dominican Codes

Dominican Codes

Codes of Dominican

+1-809 DO - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Dominican Codes (+1-809) DO / DOM - Republica Dominicana - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies.
(+1-809) Dominican Republic Country Code +1-809. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts
.DO is the country code for internet and national web sites
Dominican Republic

ISO-Numeric : 214
Country : Dominican Republic
Capital : Santo Domingo
Area km2 : 48730
Population : 10627165
Continent : NA
Internet : .do
Currency Code : DOP
Currency Name : Peso
Phone : +1-809 and 1-829
Postal Code Format : #####
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{5})$
Languages : es-DO
Geo : 3508796
Neighbours countries : HT Country : DO, State : Azua, State Name : Azua,
Country : DO, State : Baoruco, State Name : Baoruco,
Country : DO, State : Barahona, State Name : Barahona,
Country : DO, State : Dajabon, State Name : Dajabón,
Country : DO, State : Duarte, State Name : Duarte,
Country : DO, State : Espaillat, State Name : Espaillat,
Country : DO, State : Independencia, State Name : Independencia,
Country : DO, State : La Altagracia, State Name : La Altagracia,
Country : DO, State : Elias Pina, State Name : Elías Piña,
Country : DO, State : La Romana, State Name : La Romana,
Country : DO, State : Maria Trinidad Sanchez, State Name : María Trinidad Sánchez,
Country : DO, State : Monte Cristi, State Name : Monte Cristi,
Country : DO, State : Pedernales, State Name : Pedernales,
Country : DO, State : Puerto Plata, State Name : Puerto Plata,
Country : DO, State : Hermanas Mirabal, State Name : Hermanas Mirabal,
Country : DO, State : Samana, State Name : Samaná,
Country : DO, State : Sanchez Ramirez, State Name : Sánchez Ramírez,
Country : DO, State : San Juan, State Name : San Juan,
Country : DO, State : San Pedro de Macoris, State Name : San Pedro de Macorís,
Country : DO, State : Santiago, State Name : Santiago,
Country : DO, State : Santiago Rodriguez, State Name : Santiago Rodríguez,
Country : DO, State : Valverde, State Name : Valverde,
Country : DO, State : El Seibo, State Name : El Seíbo,
Country : DO, State : Hato Mayor, State Name : Hato Mayor,
Country : DO, State : La Vega, State Name : La Vega,
Country : DO, State : Monsenor Nouel, State Name : Monseñor Nouel,
Country : DO, State : Monte Plata, State Name : Monte Plata,
Country : DO, State : San Cristobal, State Name : San Cristóbal,
Country : DO, State : Nacional, State Name : Nacional,
Country : DO, State : Peravia, State Name : Peravia,
Country : DO, State : San Jose de Ocoa, State Name : San José de Ocoa,
Country : DO, State : Santo Domingo, State Name : Santo Domingo,
----- country-timezones ----- Country : DO, Zone : Santo Domingo, Hour GMT : -4, Continent : America ,
Dominican Code 1-809 - Dial Codes, Whatsapp and SMS Messages
Code Dominican Phones  - - List of Country and City Codes. Find phone numbers by company.
Internet DO Code for the Country do
International 1-809 Code list by country and city. How to dial in Dominican
Phone 1-809 Find phone numbers and mobile companies
Dominican Code 2024
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